In this Article we will learn about the objects and its property in depth .
Objects :
Objects are used to store keyed collections of various data and more complex entitites . In Javascript everything is objects .
In objects the data are stored in the heap memory and reference is store in the stack memory . so we can increase or decrese size of the object .
An Object can be created with figure brackets {…} with an optional list of properites . A property is a key value pair , where key is string and value can be any thing .
An empty object can be created using one of two syntaxes :
let user = new Object() // Object constructor syntax
let user = {} // Object literal syntax
// we can write down properties in it
let user = {
age : 30,
Properties in Objects :
- Adding a new Property in Objects :
let user = {
name : "alok",
// Adding a property using defineProperty(objectName,"propery-name",{value:"value"})
// directly
- Deleting a property from the objects
let user = {
name : "alok",
// using delete The delete operator removes a property from an object.
// If the property's value is an object and there are no more references to the object,
// the object held by that property is eventually released automatically.;
- Checking if the objects have property named
Using hasOwnProperty()
The hasOwnProperty method of Objec returns a boolean indicating whether this object has the specified
property or not
let user = {
name : "alok",
using in operator
The in operator also return boolean indicating whether this object has the specified property or not
console.log("name"in user) // true
what is the differnce :
The key difference is that in will return true for inherited properties, whereas hasOwnProperty() will return false for inherited properties.
For example, the Object base class in JavaScript has a __proto__ property, a constructor property, and a hasOwnProperty function.
The in operator will return true for these properties, but hasOwnProperty() will return false.
// read more :
4 ) For .. in loop
To walk over the all keys of an object , there exist a special form of the loop : for … in . This is a completely
different thing from the for() .
let user = {
for(let key in user ){
alert(key);// name ,age , isMarried
alert(user[key]) // // alok 30 ,true
5) Ordered like an object :
Are objects ordered ? In other words ,if we loop over an object , dow we get all propeties in the same order they were added ?
The answer is ordered in special fashion ; integer properties are sorted . other appear in creation orer.
let codes = {
"49": "Germany",
"41": "Switzerland",
"44": "Great Britain",
// ..,
"1": "USA"
for (let code in codes) {
alert(code); // 1, 41, 44, 49
// to solve it :
let codes = {
"+49": "Germany",
"+41": "Switzerland",
"+44": "Great Britain",
// ..,
"+1": "USA"
for (let code in codes) {
alert( +code ); // 49, 41, 44, 1